Thursday, February 4, 2010

crucial few days seems to be a distribution phase


Ticker Trade Date Close

AARTIDRUGS Short 04/02/2010 96.3500
ABAN Short 04/02/2010 1177.2500
ABIRLANUVO Short 04/02/2010 853.4000
ACE Short 04/02/2010 39.1000
ADHUNIK Short 04/02/2010 113.2500
ADORWELD Short 04/02/2010 183.5000
AEGISCHEM Short 04/02/2010 195.3000
AIAENG Short 04/02/2010 341.3500
AJMERA Short 04/02/2010 189.4000
ALFALAVAL Short 04/02/2010 1195.4500
ALKALI Short 04/02/2010 115.3000
ALLCARGO Short 04/02/2010 188.3000
ALPA Short 04/02/2010 13.7500
ALPSINDUS Short 04/02/2010 12.2500
AMAR Short 04/02/2010 54.9500
AMARAJABAT Short 04/02/2010 156.5000
AMBUJACEM Short 04/02/2010 100.7000
AMDIND Short 04/02/2010 27.2000
ANGAUTO Short 04/02/2010 44.7500
ANIKINDS Short 04/02/2010 65.7000
ANSALINFRA Short 04/02/2010 70.7500
ARL Short 04/02/2010 1.9500
ASHOKLEY Short 04/02/2010 52.5000
AUTOIND Short 04/02/2010 114.5000
AVENTIS Short 04/02/2010 1601.8000
BALAJITELE Short 04/02/2010 54.6500
BALLARPUR Short 04/02/2010 25.8500
BANARISUG Short 04/02/2010 1173.9000
BANCOINDIA Short 04/02/2010 83.9500
BANK Nifty Short 04/02/2010 8471.0996
BANKRAJAS Short 04/02/2010 64.5500
BASF Short 04/02/2010 390.9500
BATAINDIA Short 04/02/2010 187.1000
BBL Short 04/02/2010 956.3000
BEML Short 04/02/2010 1090.3000
BFUTILITIE Short 04/02/2010 1093.5500
BGRENERGY Short 04/02/2010 480.5000
BHARATGEAR Short 04/02/2010 52.1500
BIOCON Short 04/02/2010 266.2000
BIRLACOT Short 04/02/2010 1.2500
BIRLAPOWER Short 04/02/2010 3.3000
BLBLIMITED Short 04/02/2010 16.0500
BLUESTINFO Short 04/02/2010 107.2500
BPL Short 04/02/2010 33.5000
BRITANNIA Short 04/02/2010 1595.9000
BROADCAST Short 04/02/2010 21.3000
BURNPUR Short 04/02/2010 13.0500
BVCL Short 04/02/2010 28.2000
CALSOFT Short 04/02/2010 46.2000
CAMBRIDGE Short 04/02/2010 83.5000
CEATLTD Short 04/02/2010 135.8000
CENTENKA Short 04/02/2010 262.8500
CHOLADBS Short 04/02/2010 62.9500
CLASSIC Short 04/02/2010 21.5500
CLUTCHAUTO Short 04/02/2010 61.8500
CNX 100 Short 04/02/2010 4797.8501
CNX IT Short 04/02/2010 5565.9502
CNX Midcap Short 04/02/2010 7237.1499
CNX Nifty Junior Short 04/02/2010 10059.3496
CREATIVEYE Short 04/02/2010 7.7500
CTE Short 04/02/2010 24.4500
CYBERTECH Short 04/02/2010 17.6500
DATAMATICS Short 04/02/2010 36.8000
DCB Short 04/02/2010 34.8500
DCHL Short 04/02/2010 149.6000
DCMSRMCONS Short 04/02/2010 56.9500
DEEPAKFERT Short 04/02/2010 107.6500
DELTACORP Short 04/02/2010 40.6000
DENABANK Short 04/02/2010 78.0500
DICIND Short 04/02/2010 195.5500
DLINKINDIA Short 04/02/2010 28.9500
EDUCOMP Short 04/02/2010 685.7500
ELECTCAST Short 04/02/2010 46.6000
EMCO Short 04/02/2010 95.3000
ENTEGRA Short 04/02/2010 40.0500
ERAINFRA Short 04/02/2010 202.0500
ESSAROIL Short 04/02/2010 138.8500
ESSARSHIP Short 04/02/2010 72.8500
ETC Short 04/02/2010 208.2000
EVERESTIND Short 04/02/2010 154.8000
EVINIX Short 04/02/2010 4.2000
EXIDEIND Short 04/02/2010 112.8500
FAGBEARING Short 04/02/2010 566.5000
FEDDERLOYD Short 04/02/2010 79.4500
FEDERALBNK Short 04/02/2010 253.6000
FIEMIND Short 04/02/2010 99.5500
FKONCO Short 04/02/2010 112.6000
FMGOETZE Short 04/02/2010 154.6500
FSL Short 04/02/2010 31.0500
GABRIEL Short 04/02/2010 35.0000
GARWOFFS Short 04/02/2010 199.9000
GATI Short 04/02/2010 56.0500
GDL Short 04/02/2010 130.0000
GEOMETRIC Short 04/02/2010 60.6000
GHCL Short 04/02/2010 45.7000
GIPCL Short 04/02/2010 107.1000
GITANJALI Short 04/02/2010 117.0500
GLENMARK Short 04/02/2010 257.7500
GMBREW Short 04/02/2010 78.0000
GMDCLTD Short 04/02/2010 146.4500
GODFRYPHLP Short 04/02/2010 1924.4500
GODREJPROP Short 04/02/2010 478.5000
GPIL Short 04/02/2010 216.6000
GRASIM Short 04/02/2010 2635.1499
GSPL Short 04/02/2010 90.7000
GSSAMERICA Short 04/02/2010 304.3500
GTOFFSHORE Short 04/02/2010 415.4500
GUFICBIO Short 04/02/2010 7.3500
GUJAPOLLO Short 04/02/2010 195.4500
GUJSIDHCEM Short 04/02/2010 16.1500
GULFOILCOR Short 04/02/2010 92.7500
GWALCHEM Short 04/02/2010 92.5000
HARRMALAYA Short 04/02/2010 117.8500
HCC Short 04/02/2010 132.1500
HCIL Short 04/02/2010 399.9000
HCLTECH Short 04/02/2010 337.1500
HDFCBANK Short 04/02/2010 1616.7500
HDIL Short 04/02/2010 325.9500
HELIOSMATH Short 04/02/2010 48.8000
HERCULES Short 04/02/2010 220.3500
HEROHONDA Short 04/02/2010 1600.4500
HGSL Short 04/02/2010 455.9000
HINDALCO Short 04/02/2010 146.1500
IBPOW Short 04/02/2010 32.5000
IBSEC Short 04/02/2010 30.6500
IDBI Short 04/02/2010 117.2500
IFBAGRO Short 04/02/2010 83.6500
IFCI Short 04/02/2010 49.6500
INDIACEM Short 04/02/2010 116.8000
INDIANCARD Short 04/02/2010 166.3500
INDOWIND Short 04/02/2010 47.1500
INDRAMEDCO Short 04/02/2010 43.4500
INDSWFTLTD Short 04/02/2010 32.0000
INGERRAND Short 04/02/2010 337.5500
INGVYSYABK Short 04/02/2010 248.7500
INSECTICID Short 04/02/2010 91.9000
ISMTLTD Short 04/02/2010 54.0000
ISPATIND Short 04/02/2010 19.5000
IVRCLINFRA Short 04/02/2010 316.8500
JAYBARMARU Short 04/02/2010 68.4500
JAYNECOIND Short 04/02/2010 29.9000
JINDALSWHL Short 04/02/2010 1766.2000
JKPAPER Short 04/02/2010 46.7500
JMCPROJECT Short 04/02/2010 158.5500
JSWSTEEL Short 04/02/2010 1022.9500
JUBILANT Short 04/02/2010 326.4500
JYOTISTRUC Short 04/02/2010 165.4000
KCP Short 04/02/2010 300.7000
KEI Short 04/02/2010 35.1500
KOHINOOR Short 04/02/2010 56.1000
KPIT Short 04/02/2010 113.2000
KSBPUMPS Short 04/02/2010 408.2000
KSOILS Short 04/02/2010 72.2500
LAKPRE Short 04/02/2010 41.8500
LGBROS Short 04/02/2010 23.3000
LICHSGFIN Short 04/02/2010 768.8000
LLOYDELENG Short 04/02/2010 58.2000
LML Short 04/02/2010 10.4500
LOKESHMACH Short 04/02/2010 48.0500
M&M Short 04/02/2010 1017.0000
MADHUCON Short 04/02/2010 162.3000
MADRASCEM Short 04/02/2010 108.3500
MAGNUM Short 04/02/2010 9.1000
MANALIPETC Short 04/02/2010 11.1000
MANGLMCEM Short 04/02/2010 155.1500
MANUGRAPH Short 04/02/2010 54.4000
MAYTASINFR Short 04/02/2010 163.4000
MBECL Short 04/02/2010 238.5000
MERCK Short 04/02/2010 591.9000
MHRIL Short 04/02/2010 420.2500
MICROTECH Short 04/02/2010 183.6500
MID-DAY Short 04/02/2010 22.3000
MIRCELECTR Short 04/02/2010 16.9000
MIRZAINT Short 04/02/2010 15.5000
MOSERBAER Short 04/02/2010 76.5000
MOTILALOFS Short 04/02/2010 168.8500
MPSLTD Short 04/02/2010 60.2000
MRPL Short 04/02/2010 78.4000
MUKANDLTD Short 04/02/2010 58.4000
MUNJALSHOW Short 04/02/2010 49.2500
MYSOREBANK Short 04/02/2010 696.0000
NAGARFERT Short 04/02/2010 34.1500
NAGREEKEXP Short 04/02/2010 21.2000
NECLIFE Short 04/02/2010 34.7000
NEOCURE Short 04/02/2010 5.4500
NESCO Short 04/02/2010 1148.4500
NICCO Short 04/02/2010 5.9500
Nifty Midcap 50 Short 04/02/2010 2543.8000
NIITLTD Short 04/02/2010 70.0000
NILKAMAL Short 04/02/2010 236.6500
NIRMA Short 04/02/2010 194.2500
NITCO Short 04/02/2010 48.6500
NITINFIRE Short 04/02/2010 328.1000
NOIDATOLL Short 04/02/2010 36.4500
OMAXE Short 04/02/2010 95.5500
ONGC Short 04/02/2010 1139.6000
ONWARDTEC Short 04/02/2010 21.1000
ORIENTPPR Short 04/02/2010 46.3500
PAGEIND Short 04/02/2010 827.8500
PARSVNATH Short 04/02/2010 124.9500
PATINTLOG Short 04/02/2010 34.7000
PATNI Short 04/02/2010 459.7000
PATSPINLTD Short 04/02/2010 10.0500
PEARLPOLY Short 04/02/2010 12.4500
PITTILAM Short 04/02/2010 35.7000
PNBGILTS Short 04/02/2010 27.7000
PNC Short 04/02/2010 31.4500
POCHIRAJU Short 04/02/2010 21.1500
POLARIS Short 04/02/2010 160.3500
PPAP Short 04/02/2010 76.0500
PRATIBHA Short 04/02/2010 326.3500
PRECWIRE Short 04/02/2010 81.8000
PREMIER Short 04/02/2010 150.0000
PRETAILDVR Short 04/02/2010 244.2500
PRIMESECU Short 04/02/2010 36.3500
PROVOGUE Short 04/02/2010 58.4500
PSL Short 04/02/2010 150.6000
PSTL Short 04/02/2010 18.6500
PUNJLLOYD Short 04/02/2010 182.5500
RADICO Short 04/02/2010 113.4500
RAINCOM Short 04/02/2010 205.5000
RAJOIL Short 04/02/2010 69.3500
RAJTV Short 04/02/2010 57.5000
RAMCOSYS Short 04/02/2010 96.9000
RAMSARUP Short 04/02/2010 76.5500
RBL Short 04/02/2010 110.0000
RELINFRA Short 04/02/2010 1037.1000
RELMEDIA Short 04/02/2010 230.9500
RNRL Short 04/02/2010 64.4500
RPGCABLES Short 04/02/2010 27.1500
RSWM Short 04/02/2010 100.1000
RSYSTEMS Short 04/02/2010 95.4500
RUCHISOYA Short 04/02/2010 86.8500
S&P CNX 500 Short 04/02/2010 4139.7002
S&P CNX Defty Short 04/02/2010 3631.5000
S&P CNX Nifty Short 04/02/2010 4845.3501
SABTN Short 04/02/2010 30.0500
SAGCEM Short 04/02/2010 176.2000
SALSTEEL Short 04/02/2010 12.5500
SAMTEL Short 04/02/2010 20.0000
SANGHIIND Short 04/02/2010 30.2500
SANGHVIMOV Short 04/02/2010 223.2000
SARDAEN Short 04/02/2010 214.3000
SAREGAMA Short 04/02/2010 70.2000
SELAN Short 04/02/2010 395.1000
SELMCL Short 04/02/2010 91.2500
SESAGOA Short 04/02/2010 360.4500
SHANTIGEAR Short 04/02/2010 39.9500
SHOPERSTOP Short 04/02/2010 334.7500
SHREECEM Short 04/02/2010 1951.2500
SHREYANIND Short 04/02/2010 25.2500
SIL Short 04/02/2010 24.1500
SILINV Short 04/02/2010 95.0000
SIMPLEX Short 04/02/2010 220.3500
SITASHREE Short 04/02/2010 9.3000
SMSPHARMA Short 04/02/2010 159.2000
SRGINFOTEC Short 04/02/2010 0.9000
STOREONE Short 04/02/2010 35.6000
SUNILHITEC Short 04/02/2010 210.5500
SUPREMEINF Short 04/02/2010 179.1500
SURAJDIAMN Short 04/02/2010 47.8500
SWARAJENG Short 04/02/2010 307.3000
SYNDIBANK Short 04/02/2010 83.2000
TAINWALCHM Short 04/02/2010 17.2000
TAKE Short 04/02/2010 31.0500
TATACHEM Short 04/02/2010 298.3000
TATACOFFEE Short 04/02/2010 354.2500
TATAELXSI Short 04/02/2010 273.0500
TATAMETALI Short 04/02/2010 138.5500
TATASPONGE Short 04/02/2010 355.5500
TATASTEEL Short 04/02/2010 577.7000
TATATEA Short 04/02/2010 939.0500
TECHNOELEC Short 04/02/2010 215.4000
TEXMACOLTD Short 04/02/2010 145.9500
TINPLATE Short 04/02/2010 80.1500
TNPETRO Short 04/02/2010 20.0000
TODAYS Short 04/02/2010 23.6500
TORNTPOWER Short 04/02/2010 295.3500
TRICOM Short 04/02/2010 16.7500
TRIL Short 04/02/2010 401.1500
TTKPRESTIG Short 04/02/2010 434.4500
TV-18 Short 04/02/2010 76.2000
UBENGG Short 04/02/2010 125.8500
UBHOLDINGS Short 04/02/2010 255.2500
UFLEX Short 04/02/2010 98.4500
USHAMART Short 04/02/2010 81.6000
UTVSOF Short 04/02/2010 502.2000
VALUEIND Short 04/02/2010 20.1500
VENUSREM Short 04/02/2010 236.9000
VINDHYATEL Short 04/02/2010 198.8000
VISAKAIND Short 04/02/2010 127.3500
VOLTAS Short 04/02/2010 159.6000
WEBELSOLAR Short 04/02/2010 138.2500
WELGUJ Short 04/02/2010 258.8000
WELSPUNIND Short 04/02/2010 77.4000
WILLAMAGOR Short 04/02/2010 61.4000
WOCKPHARMA Short 04/02/2010 166.7000
WWIL Short 04/02/2010 18.2000
ZENSARTECH Short 04/02/2010 296.5500
ZODJRDMKJ Short 04/02/2010 24.3500
ZYLOG Short 04/02/2010 330.5500

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